Start your energy journey

£3.9 billion

Saved on customer energy bills by managing risks in the wholesale energy market between 2020-2024


Electricity and Gas meters under contract in 2024

£2.6 billion

Spent purchasing energy on behalf of our customers between 2020-24

Energy procurement tailored to fit your needs

The energy market can be volatile, leading to unpredictability and uncertainty. This is why it’s crucial to have confidence that your organisation’s energy procurement strategy mitigates these risks and secures energy at the most favourable rates.

We have supported public sector organisations with energy procurement for over 30 years. Our expertise in the wholesale markets offers in-depth knowledge that can help your organisation stay informed of your energy spend, potentially avoid rising prices through fixed and flexible purchasing methods, and stay compliant at all times.

With a wide range of energy frameworks to choose from, our robust frameworks offer public sector organisations a quick and compliant route to access vetted suppliers that meet UK procurement regulations and demonstrate value for money.

Speak to our framework team today

What is a framework?

Put simply, once you purchase an energy service under the terms and conditions of a framework it essentially becomes a contract between your organisation, us and the approved supplier. As LASER is wholly owned by Kent County Council we are what’s known as a ‘Contracting Authority’ permitting us under the UK public procurement and contracting regulations to create frameworks that serve Local Authorities, Bluelight, NHS, Schools, MATs, Universities and any other public sector organisations.

Fully managed service

When you choose our fixed or flexible energy procurement for your organisation, our support goes further than procuring your energy. With our energy management services, our energy experts will manage all aspects of your energy portfolio. From bill validation and query management to budget reporting, we’ll help you save time and reduce costs.

Electricity fixed term fixed price framework - Y19022

Key facts

Framework Number: Y19022
Framework Period: 19 December 2019 – 18 December 2024
Contract Arranged by: LASER Energy
OJEU Award Notice: Electricity Fixed Term Fixed Price Framework Y19022 OJEU Award LASER Energy
Last Updated: 24th January 2024

This framework has two LOTS.


To facilitate the arrangement of fixed price Electricity for Half Hourly, Non-Half Hourly Metered & Unmetered contracts using mini-competitions

LOT 1 suppliers

  • Corona Energy
  • Ecotricity
  • Npower
  • SSE
  • Total Energies

To facilitate the arrangement of fixed price Electricity for Half Hourly, Non-Half Hourly Metered & Unmetered contracts using matrix pricing (via price books).

LOT 2 suppliers

  • Corona Energy
  • Ecotricity
  • Npower
  • SSE
  • Total Energies

Explore our fixed and flexible framework page or request a call back to discuss your needs.


Electricity flex 2020 - 2024 framework - Y18003

Key facts

Framework Number: Y19022
Framework Period: 19 December 2019 – 18 December 2023
Contract Arranged by: LASER Energy
OJEU Award Notice: Gas Fixed Term Fixed Price Framework Y19022 OJEU Award LASER Energy
Last Updated: 21 March 2022

This framework has two LOTS.


To facilitate the arrangement of fixed price Gas contracts using mini-competitions.

LOT 1 Suppliers

  • Corona Energy
  • Ecotricity
  • Npower
  • SSE
  • Total Energies

To facilitate the arrangement of fixed price Gas contracts using matrix pricing (via price books).

LOT 2 Suppliers

  • Corona Energy
  • Ecotricity
  • Npower
  • SSE
  • Total Energies

Explore our fixed and flexible framework page, download our user guide or request a call back to discuss your needs.


Electricity flex 2024 - 2028 framework - Y22009

Key facts

Framework Number: Y22009
Framework Period: 06 January 2023 – 30 September 2028
Contract Arranged by: LASER Energy
Public Contracts Regulations of 2015: Contract Notice
Public Contracts Regulations of 2015: Award Notice
Last Updated: 06 December 2023

Framework scope

Our Flex Electricity framework has been developed through our clear understanding of your needs and challenges when it comes to procuring electricity. It provides a Framework Agreement under which Electricity for Half Hourly, Non-Half Hourly Metered and Unmetered supplies can be purchased flexibly.

The framework has been procured in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations of 2015, as amended (PCR2015). Kent County Council remains the Contracting Authority for all LASER contracts. This permits a public body to access LASER’s frameworks and services without the need to run a separate procurement process to do so.

The framework permits Direct Award to any supplier based on either coming first overall, being your incumbent provider or by winning a particular evaluation section which is of most importance to your organisation. There is also an option to run a mini-tender under the framework should you have specific requirements covered by the framework and we can help you with this.


Npower (1st Place Supplier)
Total GP
EDF Energy

Explore our fixed and flexible framework options, download our ‘user guide‘, or request a call back to discuss joining this framework.


Gas fixed term fixed price framework - Y19022

Key facts

Framework Number: Y19022
Framework Period: 19 December 2019 – 18 December 2023
Contract Arranged by: LASER Energy
OJEU Award Notice: Gas Fixed Term Fixed Price Framework Y19022 OJEU Award LASER Energy
Last Updated: 21 March 2022

This framework has two LOTS.


To facilitate the arrangement of fixed price Gas contracts using mini-competitions.

LOT 1 Suppliers

  • Corona Energy
  • Ecotricity
  • Npower
  • SSE
  • Total Energies

To facilitate the arrangement of fixed price Gas contracts using matrix pricing (via price books).

LOT 2 Suppliers

  • Corona Energy
  • Ecotricity
  • Npower
  • SSE
  • Total Energies

Explore our fixed and flexible framework page or request a call back to discuss your needs.


Gas flex 2020 - 2024 framework - Y18002

Key facts

Framework Number: Y18002
Framework Period: 13 February 2019 – 30 September 2024
Contract Arranged by: LASER Energy
OJEU Contract Notice: Gas Flexible Procurement Y18002 OJEU Notice LASER Energy
OJEU Award Notice: Gas Flexible Procurement Y18002 OJEU Award & Amendment LASER Energy
Last Updated: 21 March 2022

Framework scope

Our Flex Gas framework has been developed through our clear understanding of your needs and challenges when it comes to procuring gas.

We want to provide a compliant route, in line with Procurement Regulations 2015, to arranging your procurement and supply, so we work with all the stakeholders to deliver the best value contracts. All contracts now consider social value and LASER and our suppliers are keen to see this area develop over the coming years.

In addition, there are also opportunities to take advantage of a range of services relating to energy monitoring and saving and other innovative industry solutions to help manage your energy category and reduce costs.


This Framework has two LOTS:


To provide a Framework Agreement under which Gas for Daily Metered and Non Daily Metered supplies could be purchased flexibly. In addition, Metering & Data Services may be provided by the Framework Suppliers.

LOT 1 Suppliers


To provide a Framework Agreement offering additional services which may be independent of any supply agreement.

LOT 2 Suppliers

Explore our fixed and flexible framework options, download our user guide or request a call back to discuss joining this framework.


Gas Flex 2024 - 2028 framework - Y22008

Key facts

Framework Number: Y22008
Framework Period: 24 November 2022 – 30 September 2028
Contract Arranged by: LASER Energy
Public Contracts Regulations of 2015: Contract Notice
Public Contracts Regulations of 2015: Award Notice
Last Updated: 03 March 2023

Framework scope

Our Flex Gas framework has been developed through our clear understanding of your needs and challenges when it comes to procuring gas. It provides a Framework Agreement under which Gas for Daily Metered and Non Daily Metered supplies can be purchased flexibly.

The framework has been procured in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations of 2015, as amended (PCR2015). Kent County Council remains the Contracting Authority for all LASER contracts. This permits a public body to access LASER’s frameworks and services without the need to run a separate procurement process to do so.

The framework permits Direct Award to any supplier based on either coming first overall, being your incumbent provider or by winning a particular evaluation section which is of most importance to your organisation. There is also an option to run a mini-tender under the framework should you have specific requirements covered by the framework and we can help you with this.


Total Energies (1st Place Supplier)
Corona Energy

Explore our fixed and flexible framework options, download our ‘user guide‘, or request a call back to discuss joining this framework.


Water framework - Y22013

Key facts

Framework Number: Y22013
Framework Period: 01 March 2022 – 28 February 2026
Contract Arranged by: LASER Energy
OJEU Contract Notice: Supply Of Water And Sewerage Services Contract Notice Y22013
OJEU Award Notice: Supply Of Water And Sewerage Services Award Notice Y22013
Last Updated: 30 March 2022

Framework scope

We introduced our Water Framework in 2017 to help our non-domestic customers to change their water and wastewater supplier following the opening of the water market to full competition. Our focus is helping our customers to benefit both financially and logistically from this new market.

Our framework focuses on the retailer supply of water and sewerage services and with three different routes to market and a selection of suppliers providing national coverage, it provides everything you need to procure a new water supplier.

Direct Award is possible too, as is procurement through mini-competition or competitive dialogue.

Plus, access to the additional services of AMR provision and Fix and Find water leakage services are also available.


Achieve your authorities’ aspirations to save time and money by utilising any of our Lots and specialisms below;

Designed to allow the award of contracts for the supply of water and additional services through mini competition or direct award. Direct award may be based on the highest scoring supplier at framework tender stage overall or in individual areas, of price, quality of service, added value, social value or continuity of supply of existing services.

Designed for smaller water consumers (for example schools or District Councils) with simple water supply requirements. It contains a panel of suppliers, led by a Primary Supplier selected by overall scores at framework tender. Supply contracts will be called off by Direct Award to the Primary Supplier. There will be a process to review Primary Supplier position during the framework term.

For the supply of water and sewerage services including invoicing, account management and has a particular focus on water efficiency. Opportunities will be let using competitive dialogue with those on the Framework Agreement, allowing bespoke solutions to be developed to meet a Participating Authority needs and water saving opportunity.

Explore our water framework, or request a call back to speak to a member of our team about joining the framework.

The benefits of our utility frameworks

Price transparency

We ensure full transparency of all energy trades, fees and savings throughout your contract, we will never apply any hidden fees. All trades are independently audited on a monthly basis to ensure the accuracy of records and customer assurance.

Energy management

Access to a dedicated energy management service* for billing and price validation, query management, customised budget and forecast reporting, energy consumption analysis and supplier liaison. (*included in our fully managed service).

Pooling volumes for greater buying power

By grouping your energy consumption with other public sector organisations, you benefit from bulk buying on a large scale. This gives you greater purchasing power in negotiating favourable contract terms and prices with energy suppliers, that would otherwise not be available.

Hedging purchases to mitigate risk

Our dedicated trading team keep a close eye on the energy markets to buy gas and electricity at the most optimal times on your behalf, so you can save money.

Compliant procurement route

Our frameworks are fully compliant with UK public procurement and contracting regulations, saving you from having to run a full procurement process.


Customer portal

Access to our customer portal to view bills, site data, queries and consumption trends, for those customers that opt for our fully managed service.


LED lighting framework - Y19018

Key Facts

Framework Number: Y19018

Framework Period: 17 May 2020 – 31 July 2025

Contract Arranged by: LASER Energy

OJEU Contract Notice: LED Lighting Y19018 OJEU Notice LASER Energy

OJEU Award Notice: LED Lighting Y19018 OJEU Award LASER Energy

Last Updated: 24 Jan 2024

For Schools:

This image shows the logo in black lettering and a blue strip to the left for the Department of Education.The Department for Education (DfE) has accredited our LED Framework, which ensures that you are getting a secure, cost-effective, and compliant solution for your lighting needs.


LOT 1 – Supply

This lot is for the supply arrangement for all of the LED lighting, Fixtures and Fittings that you may require which can be delivered directly to you, and can be arranged on your behalf through our managed service, or can be used to aid procurement of fittings during other projects you may be undertaking.

LOT 2 – Installation

Commonplace to use alongside Lot 1, this covers a range of contractors, selected according to your individual requirements, in order for your Lot 1 purchased fixtures and fittings to be installed. The selected contractor will be named the Principal Contractor in accordance with health and safety, and can save considerable time on procurement and tender process.

LOT 3 – Supply and installation

When managing a project yourself through direct access, you may be prefer to deal with a single party only, in which case this would be the lot for you, and you would be able to work directly with the supplier to agree your specification and installation plan for the work to be carried out.

Explore our LED lighting framework or request a call back to discuss your needs.


Net zero framework - Y21009

Key Facts

Framework Number: Y21009

Framework Period: 18 May 2021 – 31 March 2026

Contract Arranged by: LASER Energy

OJEU Contract Notice: Y21009 CDI DPS Contract Notice – LASER Energy

Last Updated: 26 September 2022

Framework scope



This Lot is designed to help you understand your buildings performance and practical opportunities through surveys and modelling. You will have access to consultants to provide energy and/or carbon related site surveys, audits and assessments.


If you’re looking for high level feasibility and planning of carbon saving programmes, for example the focus is on large projects such as solar farms or complete fleet vehicle programmes. This Lot will enable you to have access to net zero specialist consultants to support the planning and management of this for your organisation.


This Lot specialises in providing consultants for specific technical solution design, specification and capability feasibility.


Designed to allow access to suppliers who are capable of supplying and installing low and zero carbon technological solutions.

Explore our net zero framework page or request a call back to discuss your net zero needs.



Additional services framework

Key Facts

Contract Arranged by: LASER Energy

Last Updated: 26 September 2022

Framework scope


The matrix below gives an overview of the Additional Services available through LOT 2.

All of the Suppliers on the new framework are listed across the top of the table, with some of the most popular services listed down the side of the table. A “D” in the table signifies that the Supplier will be able to provide this service in the future but currently it is in development stage.

The following nine suppliers offer a range of services under LASER’s framework. To find out more about the services each supplier offers, please click on the links below:

If you require any further information regarding the additional services available through this framework, please get in touch


Additional services LOT 2 process guide


Liquid fuels framework - Y24005

Key Facts

Framework Number: Y24005

Framework Period: 01 April 2024 – 31 March 2028

Contracts put in place under the framework may extend beyond the end date of the Framework.

Contract Arranged by: LASER Energy

The Contract Notices and Award Notices can be obtained by contacting: or by calling 0800 484 0840, quoting reference: Y24005

Framework scope

If your organisation is looking for compliant suppliers to support your procurement of liquid fuels, our framework will help. We procure all major fuel types for heating and transport purposes, as well as delivering a range of new products and services such as; carbon offsetting schemes, tank monitoring and maintenance, and priority contracts in the event of a fuel shortage.

Our large Public Sector customer profile results in suppliers providing low competitive prices and high levels of customer service with delivery available in all areas of Great Britain.

Please note this Framework is available to all public sector organisations nationally.

What are the benefits of using this framework?

  • Our Framework is compliant with UK Public Contract Regulations.
  • Customers can order direct from the supplier with LASER maintaining your portfolio of sites.
  • Suppliers can be appointed via mini tender or direct award. We can facilitate either process with the customer.
  • We will analyse the results if a mini tender is released, and present a report to the customer for final decision.
  • Excellent supplier relationships result in high supplier response rates.
  • We keep track of all contract renewal dates, reviewing and renewing them in a timely fashion.
  • We maintain the supplier relationships, which result in the best supplier responses being received

Suppliers on this Framework

We have awarded eight suppliers a place, all offer a range of services under LASER’s liquid fuel framework.

How to access the framework

To find out more about the services each supplier offer, please get in touch


Your key benefits

Pre-approved suppliers

All suppliers are assessed for their quality of service, financial stability, technical capability, experience and social value commitments.

Evolving list of new suppliers

New suppliers can join the net zero frameworks at any time throughout its lifespan, giving you access to an evolving list of innovative pre-approved suppliers across a wide range of specialties to help achieve your net zero goals.

Expert support

Access to a dedicated framework team of experts on hand to assist at all stages from specifying and purchasing to project managing your carbon saving activities.

Compliant procurement route

Our frameworks are fully compliant with UK public procurement and contracting regulations, saving you from having to run a full procurement process.

Need assistance with the procurement process?

Each of our frameworks provides a range of procurement options.

If you’re limited on time and resources we can take care of the procurement process for you with our managed access service. This service covers everything from assessing your energy needs, obtaining quotes from suppliers and handling all supplier engagement to submitting tenders, evaluating responses and completing all the necessary documentation. Our mission is to help you save time and provide the reassurance that our experts are with you every step of the way to help you navigate the often complex and technical energy industry.

Have your own in-house procurement team?
We also offer self-service approaches to compliment your existing procurement services.

Let us help you secure the ideal contract