Start your energy journey

A helping hand in achieving net zero

We understand your path to net-zero can be daunting. Electrifying your fleets, managing ageing estates, and securing funding within tight budgets can present significant hurdles.

At LASER, we have extensive experience working with public bodies. Our tailored consultancy services pinpoint carbon reduction actions to assist in securing funding for your net zero projects. Plus, our compliant net zero frameworks provide access to a range of vetted suppliers, while our dedicated procurement team is on hand to manage the entire tender process for you, so you can focus on what you do best.

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solutions to help you Reduce consumption, spend and achieve net-zero

Providing an end-to-end solution through creating and reviewing carbon roadmaps, procuring energy and technologies, and collaborative PPA procurement to decarbonise energy supply.

Insights and actions for you

From initial roadmaps, through to the procurement of technologies, and decarbonisation of energy supply through PPAs, we can help your Blue Light organisation on its net zero journey.

Net Zero Consultancy

Accessing compliant suppliers and installers

Offering public sector organisations a compliant route to procure a range of net zero suppliers and services. By using our framework, you can easily switch to on-site energy-efficient technologies, which can help you reduce carbon emissions and costs. We have already completed all the necessary due diligence on the suppliers featured in this framework, so you can conduct a mini-tender process easily.

Net Zero Frameworks

Collaborative approach

PPAs are a vital part of the net-zero puzzle and are a possibility for Blue Light organisations through collaboration, as the energy demands are too small individually to go to market. While PPAs are contractually complex, they potentially offer long-term carbon and cost benefits. Therefore working with regional partners can help to accelerate the transition to net-zero for participating organisations.

Power Purchase Agreements
A row of red fire station doors on a dark orange brick building.

7 Force Commercial Services Collaboration is Key

With the responsibility of achieving a 78% reduction in carbon emissions by the 2050 target, Police & Crime Commissioners sought ways to bring together various stakeholders to tackle this challenge. In response, the 7 Force Commercial Services established a regional ‘Sustainability and Decarbonisation’ taskforce. This taskforce, comprised of experts from Police and Fire Services, other public and private sector organisations including us, aimed to identify barriers, align requirements, share best practices, and explore market innovations on the journey to net zero.

LASER submitted a customised proposal to the taskforce, aimed at facilitating their objectives. The proposal was reviewed and enabled the creation of standardised individual reports at a reduced cost per report. Thanks to the regional contract, Essex and Kent Fire Services benefited from LASER’s collaboration with the 7Forces Commercial team, resulting in significant cost savings. This collaborative approach played a pivotal role in the taskforce’s success by presenting a unified ‘sustainability’ voice and developing a single roadmap to achieve net zero. By pooling limited resources, the taskforce effectively addressed common challenges in a fast and effective way.

Read about the GO Award Nomination here

Customer feedback What our customers think about working with us

76 fire stations – including around 60% of the fire stations in Wales utilised LASER’s framework to roll-out LED lighting across almost all of their fire stations.

Ready to decarbonise your organisation?

Then get in touch with our team. We’re on hand to answer any questions you have regarding your net zero journey and how we may help.

Contact us