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Everyone is wanting to achieve their net-zero goals, however funding can play a huge part. We share our findings from a Funding webinar we ran and how public sector organisations are feeling about funding.

On 28th June 2022, our Zero Carbon team hosted our first Insights webinar on the topic of Public Sector Decarbonisation and Funding.

During the presentation we posed key questions to our audience to find out their thoughts on funding and what projects they are looking to focus on.

Here are the highlights:

75% of attendees have used PSDS funding for energy/carbon projects

and 88% stated that they are looking to bid in future PSDS or LCSF rounds.

When asked ‘what projects or technologies are you looking to implement?‘, the top technology Solar followed by Heat Pumps, LED Lighting and Insulation.

76% noted that they are very reliant on external funding to move projects forward.

While 73% expressed an interest in privately funded (loaned) projects.

When asked ‘how much help do you need managing energy/carbon projects?’,

79% agreed they would need help depending on the project type and 16% said they would need help due to the challenging nature of managing energy projects.

Image shows an infographic in greens, greys and black highlighting various statistics regarding public sector funding for net-zero projects

The next step...

Our team can help support your organisation with your funding bid through consultancy, showcasing our frameworks for compliant suppliers and more. Reach out today to chat to our team for more information.

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